# Sync # :PROPERTIES: # :header-args: :tangle ../config/mbsyncrc :comments org # :END: # This is the *mbsyncrc*[fn:3] file I use to synchronize my local mail with my server. IMAPStore xyz-remote Host mail.chrishayward.xyz User chris@chrishayward.xyz PassCmd "pass chrishayward.xyz/chris" SSLType IMAPS MaildirStore xyz-local Path ~/.cache/mail/ Inbox ~/.cache/mail/inbox SubFolders Verbatim Channel xyz Master :xyz-remote: Slave :xyz-local: Patterns * !Archives Create Both Expunge Both SyncState * # Installing the software # Download *mbsync*[fn:3] as part of the ~isync~ package on Ubuntu/Debian. sudo apt install -y isync # *Mu4e*[fn:2] is packaged for Ubuntu/Debian, but has a few dependencies to build for Emacs. sudo apt install -y mu4e libgmime-3.0-dev libxapian-dev