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  1. # This file is controlled by /etc/dotfiles/README.org
  2. { pkgs, ... }:
  3. let
  4. myEmacs = pkgs.emacsWithPackagesFromUsePackage {
  5. config = ../README.org;
  6. package = pkgs.emacsGcc;
  7. alwaysEnsure = true;
  8. alwaysTangle = true;
  9. extraEmacsPackages = epkgs: [
  10. # Required packages...
  11. epkgs.exwm
  12. epkgs.evil
  13. epkgs.evil-collection
  14. epkgs.evil-surround
  15. epkgs.evil-nerd-commenter
  16. epkgs.general
  17. epkgs.which-key
  18. # Optional packages.
  19. epkgs.org
  20. epkgs.org-roam
  21. epkgs.org-roam-server
  22. epkgs.org-drill
  23. epkgs.org-pomodoro
  24. epkgs.writegood-mode
  25. epkgs.ox-hugo
  26. epkgs.ox-reveal
  27. epkgs.password-store
  28. epkgs.mu4e-alert
  29. epkgs.dired-single
  30. epkgs.all-the-icons
  31. epkgs.all-the-icons-dired
  32. epkgs.emojify
  33. epkgs.eshell-prompt-extras
  34. epkgs.vterm
  35. epkgs.magit
  36. epkgs.hydra
  37. epkgs.elfeed
  38. epkgs.nix-mode
  39. epkgs.projectile
  40. epkgs.lsp-mode
  41. epkgs.lsp-ui
  42. epkgs.company
  43. epkgs.ccls
  44. epkgs.go-mode
  45. epkgs.pretty-mode
  46. epkgs.rustic
  47. epkgs.plantuml-mode
  48. epkgs.ivy
  49. epkgs.counsel
  50. epkgs.ivy-rich
  51. epkgs.ivy-posframe
  52. epkgs.ivy-prescient
  53. epkgs.desktop-environment
  54. epkgs.doom-themes
  55. epkgs.doom-modeline
  56. ];
  57. };
  58. in {
  59. home.packages = [
  60. pkgs.nitrogen
  61. pkgs.autorandr
  62. pkgs.hugo
  63. pkgs.pass
  64. pkgs.mu
  65. pkgs.isync
  66. pkgs.aspell
  67. pkgs.aspellDicts.en
  68. pkgs.aspellDicts.en-science
  69. pkgs.aspellDicts.en-computers
  70. pkgs.brightnessctl
  71. pkgs.plantuml
  72. pkgs.nixfmt
  73. ];
  74. programs.emacs = {
  75. enable = true;
  76. package = myEmacs;
  77. };
  78. xsession = {
  79. enable = true;
  80. windowManager.command = ''
  81. ${pkgs.nitrogen}/bin/nitrogen --restore
  82. ${myEmacs}/bin/emacs --daemon -f exwm-enable
  83. ${myEmacs}/bin/emacsclient -c
  84. '';
  85. };
  86. home.file.".xinitrc" = {
  87. text = ''
  88. exec ./.xsession
  89. '';
  90. };
  91. home.file.".mbsyncrc" = {
  92. text = ''
  93. IMAPStore xyz-remote
  94. Host mail.chrishayward.xyz
  95. User chris@chrishayward.xyz
  96. PassCmd "pass chrishayward.xyz/chris"
  97. SSLType IMAPS
  98. MaildirStore xyz-local
  99. Path ~/.cache/mail/
  100. Inbox ~/.cache/mail/inbox
  101. SubFolders Verbatim
  102. Channel xyz
  103. Far :xyz-remote:
  104. Near :xyz-local:
  105. Patterns * !Archives
  106. Create Both
  107. Expunge Both
  108. SyncState *
  109. '';
  110. };
  111. }